teaching & Supervision
Programme ConveningI co-convene the BA in Media and Communications, Goldsmiths' Media, Communications and Cultural Studies department's largest undergraduate programme. I also convene these modules:
PhD SupervisionI am available to supervise PhD students on media theoretical and ethnographic approaches to videogames, digital labour, and digital wellness. Examples of projects I am interested in supervising include critical approaches to media technologies such as game engines and wellness wearables. Projects that are primarily practice-based should be directed to my colleagues. Contact me with your proposed research.
Student Engagement
AI (Mis)Alignments Film Screenings
Co-organised with Dr Daniel Rourke and Dr James Burton, this ongoing series of screenings offers Goldsmiths students alternative approaches to the so-called ‘alignment’ of AI and other technologies of automation. Taking the troubling principles of ‘AI Alignment’, ‘effective altruism’, and ‘longtermism’ as our starting points, this series of screenings and short readings is presented as a deranged ‘doomer’ détournement: treating fictions and figures as counterpoints to big tech’s utopian rhetoric and normative visions. Across a twice-monthly selection of screenings and accompanying readings, we will meet a series of compassionate AI assistants, rogue robots, and imperialist automatons – figures that unsettle the human values and objectives which companies such as OpenAI promise their revolutionary new suite of tools are being ‘aligned’ to. Sign up here for screening updates.
CV · Talks · Research · TEACHING
Past teaching
———————— TECH PLATFORMS ————————
Data & Capitalism Van Dijck, José et al. 2018 The Platform Society. Zuboff, Shoshana. 2019. The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. Big Tech & Democracy Gillespie, Tarleton. 2018. Custodians of the Internet. Automation & Justice Wachter-Boettcher, Sara. 2017. Technically wrong. ———————— TECH SOLUTIONS™ ———————— Disconnection Syvertsen, Trine, and Gunn Enli. 2020. “Digital Detox." Tarnoff, Ben & Weigel, Moira. 2018. “Why Silicon Valley Can’t Fix Itself.” Self-Optimization Neff, Gina, and Dawn Nafus. 2016. Self-Tracking. Reagle, Joseph. 2019. Hacking Life. Metric Culture Muller, Jerry, Z. 2019. The Tyranny of Metrics. Christin, Angèle 2020. Metrics at work ———————— TECH WORKERS ———————— The Influencer Life Duffy, Brooke. 2017. (Not) Getting Paid to Do What You Love. McMillan Cottom, Tressie. 2020. The Hustle Economy. Dissent. The On-Demand Gig Gray, Mary, L. and Siddharth Suri. 2019. Ghost Work. Tech Cultures Broussard, Meredith. 2018. Artificial Unintelligence. |
———————— GENDERED TEXTS ————————
Cultural Texts Stang, Sarah, & Aaron Trammell. 2019. “The Ludic Bestiary. Zubek, Robert. 2020. Elements of Game Design Epistemological Lenses Keogh, Brendan. 2018. A Play of Bodies. Turkle & Papert. 1990. “Epistemological Pluralism." Computational Cultures Cote, Amanda. 2020. Gaming Sexism. Kocurek, Carly. 2015. Coin Operated Americans. ——————— CAPITALIST CONTEXTS ——————— Captive Play Whitson, Jennifer R. 2013. "Gaming the quantified self." Flanagan & Nissenbaum. 2014. Values at Play in Digital Games. Forces of Play Schüll, Natasha Dow. 2014. Addiction by Design. Boundary Play Anable, Aubrey. 2018. Playing with Feelings. Chia, Aleena. 2019. “The Moral Calculus of Vocational Passion in Digital games.” —————— RACIALIZED PRODUCTIVITIES —————— Playful Productivity Bulut, Ergin. 2020. A Precarious Game. Irani, Lilly. 2018. “’Design Thinking’: Defending Silicon Valley the Apex of Global Labor Hierarchies.” Labours of Marginality Myers, Maddy. 2020. “The Cost of Being a Woman Who Covers Video Games.” Kotaku. Gray, Kishonna. 2017. “They’re just too urban”: Black gamers streaming on Twitch.” |